His last name would represent the cybernetic arm that replaced already missing limb. The military and the war had changed his life forever, to forget his past he even changed his name to Johnny Silverhand. He left for Night City, and stayed at a hotel in Pacifica. John was also one of the men who decided he wouldn't fight in the corrupt war anymore that ultimately led to him losing his arm and a friend. The government used its influence to create powerful propaganda campaign to make the American public hate deserters. However when their secrets were exposed, many of the American soldiers dropped their banners as they fought back by deserting the military. The conflict was devastating, as the war was run by a corrupt and manipulative government. While in Mexico, John's life was saved by his friend who died protecting him. The Central American Conflict started in 2003. He enlisted into the military as a teenager, lying about his real age, and it didn't take long to see some action. Robert John Linder was born in College Station, Texas, on November 16th, 1988.